Number of Periods (n) - Number of capitalization periods
Nominal Rate per Period (i) - Total effective rate, including interest and inflation correction, applied at the end of each capitalization period (e.g.: for a rate of 2%, i = 0.02)
Periodic Payments (R) - Uniform series of payments (equal value), which may occur at the end or at the beginning of each capitalization period
Formulas used:
Single Amount
Uniform Series of Payments (at the end of each period)
Select the option by setting whether the calculation is related to a single amount or to an uniform series of payments
In the "Calc" column select the variable you want to calculate
Fill in the blank fields in the "Values" column
Click the "Calculate >>" button to see the result
If necessary, use the Interest Rate Converter, to calculate the total rate from the interest rate and inflation; as well as to convert the annual rate into rate per period and vice versa (e.g.: convert annual rate into monthly rate - 12 periods per year)
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